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a three-part series

True Britt - by Britt Ekland, Prentice-Hall, 1980

This book is Rod-heavy, full of "beware of nothing more than a scorned woman" stuff. Despite a pretty good stack of evidence to prove otherwise, one gets the feeling Britt thought her life with Rod Stewart was The End. Although he was a total twit, his infidelities devastated her. Read it if you enjoy beating your head against a wall wondering why perfectly successful actresses love cheap, self-absorbed, vain men.

Jerry Hall's Tall Tales -- by Jerry Hall with Christopher Hemphill, Pocket Books, 1985

This book is Mick-heavy (with a small dose of Bryan Ferry). Despite pretty hefty evidence lately to prove otherwise, one gets the feeling Jerry thought her life with Mick Jagger was The End. Although he was a total twit, she put up with his many humiliations for many years. I'm figuring Rachel Hunter must have flown in and performed an intervention or exorcism or something because I didn't think Jerry was ever gonna leave him. Read it only if you enjoy beating your head against a wall wondering why perfectly successful models repeatedly put up with crap from big-mouthed, self-absorbed, vain men.

I'm With The Band : Confessions of a Groupie -- by Pamela des Barres, Morrow/Avon, 1987

At least Pamela has stepped up to the rock star smorgasbord. But she's still too obsessed with the loving-of-a-rock-star thang...any rock star. Despite the voluminous evidence to prove otherwise, one gets the feeling that Pamela thinks that a lifetime living like this is The End. Although, they are usually total twits, she glorifies every star encounter of her life. Read this book if you enjoy beating your head against a wall wondering why perfectly successful groupies repeatedly place the whole of their self-esteem into the hands of monotonously, self-absorbed, vain men.

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