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Haiku for a Half-Breed

By Christopher Brisson


That extra rib, white
wand, she let me keep, gift for
a fine nurse, proud fan.

[In the Recovery Room]


Gypsies, tramps and thieves!
Hear it from the people of
the town: all jealous.

[The Truth]

Nighttime shines, drapes day,
black beauty streams loose from cheek-
bone to waist, cascades.

[Cher's Hair, c. 1965-1978]

Caught in crisis, takes
her fingers, taps rails, thighs, cars-
watch the films...you'll see.

[Method of Acting]

Toothie Ruthie, Self-
conscious crowded smile proved no
obstacle to song.

[Before Mid-Life Braces]

Tan switch of willow.
Sex and sinew; to the left:
mustache, butt of jokes.

[Variety Show Shtick]

Ten black sheep bleat, slur
of warm licorice, ancient
redskin rumble, fire.

[Pipes like no other]

In another life:
trapeze artist, still bending
wide eyes of the crowd.

[Some things are meant to be]

Constellations burst,
sequins, sheerness, headdresses.
Small tits don't matter.

[Mackie's Muse]

Could cover in clay
dual curves, twin ridges, render
perfect bowls, prayers, art.

[The cheekbones: a potter's dream]

Snubbed in '85
arrives a raven: quills, beads,
stunning, nine feet tall.

[After not receiving a nomination for Mask]

Metronomic flip
after a quip, long onyx
flight over shoulder.

[The signature toss of hair]

Multi-ethnic tongue
slid across gums, teeth, readies
barbs, mouth for Sonny.

[After insults, before retorts, on T.V.]

Famous tattooed ass
refurbished with skin taken
from recent face lift?

[Enquiring Minds Want to Know]

Big metal ballads.
Consorted with Bon Jovi.
Leather, lace, perms, hits.

[The late 80's comeback]

Top Ten hits splash five
different decades. Great singer,
actress, beauty. Yikes!

[Nap of envy: Madonna wakes]

Gave baby daughter
ridiculous name, came out
a proud lesbian.

[Nurture or Nature?]

Blueberry, Egg, Salt,
Multi-Grain, Cinnamon: can
not eat bagels, still.

[On the first anniversary of her break-up with Rob]

Hairy-nosed devil
with much charm, leer, seed, pinches
for girls, mean tricks, tongue.

[After working with Jack on The Witches of Eastwick]

Blood of centaur, horse/
woman, coltish charisma.
Cult rises. Happy.

[Icons Deserve Worship]

Moonstruck by Oscar-
gave humble speech, stayed slinky.
Some respect at last?

[The Big Night]

Hawked cosmetics, blew
credibility, dumb move:
not hard to Believe.

[Success's slippery ladder]

Fan missed concert. Cries.
On TV sees thighs sausaged
in old outfit. Faints...

[The Reckoning: Lititz, PA - August 2000]

Half-nude dancers shall
produce banal moves, distract
as costumes change fast.

[Directions for stage]

Butcher named Vidal
attacks while asleep. She wakes
to publicity.

[Punky Rooster, 1979]

Little girls groom heads
of nylon hair, plastic skulls,
life-size almond eyes.

[Hasbro's Decapitation Make-up Station]

Named for prophet, sad
color, son plays bass behind
Mom's cat-called bottom.

[Video shivers: If I could turn back time]

First song flops, Released
under "Bonnie Jo Mason."
What were they thinking?

[Just Desserts]

Caveman, Cavewoman.
First mod, then square, back to hip,
solo hits, ski death.

[Bono & LaPierre: A Brief History]

Chick with bangs meets smooth-
faced geek, May-December heat.
Made music and love.

[In the beginning...]


Is Ape Culture Cher Obsessed? Guilty as charged.
A Cher Book Signing in 1998
Cher at Madison Square Garden in 1999
The First Cher Convention in 2000
Ask Cher Scholar
Live(ish) Chat with Sonny Bono
The Sonny Bono Adventure
Divas '99: A Look Back in Anger! (also by Christopher Brisson)

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