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Media Mophs of the Apes

Eight is Enough Meets The Amityville Horror
by Julie Wiskirchen: She watched Amityville Horror one afternoon and found herself profoundly disturbed by James Brolin's resemblance to Barry Gibb. So begins the genesis of this bloodbath of dysfunction.

Honey, I Shrunk Emmanuel Lewis
By Booger Lee: Webster just got small.

James Garner as Jim Rockford and Nancy Drew
By M.E. Ladd: James Garner as Jim Rockford & Nancy Drew investigate MURDER! in a trailer park.

Journey, Peter Frampton, John Waite & Edgar Allan Poe LIVE!
By Julie Wiskirchen & Mary Ladd: Summer concert review morphing Journey and John Waite tunes with Edgar Allan Poe. How silly!

Letters To Richard Simmons From Fat Pets
By Julie Wiskirchen: We're talking about a problem that is prevalent in society today yet seldom discussed and when it is discussed, it's usually made light of, without regard for the feelings of those who are afflicted. We're talking about house-pet obesity.

Little Pink Haunted Houses for You and Me
By Julie Wiskirchen & Mary Ladd: We hear Stephen King and John Cougar Mellencamp are collaborating on a broadway musical. We've come up with some showstoppin', heartstoppin', farm-foreclosure-stoppin' songs for them.

The Minnow Files
By Terry S. Hawkins: What Scully and Mulder really need to do is to get off their bums and find out what the hell happened to Gilligan and the man known only as "the Skipper"!


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