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Top 5 Albums of 2000

by Daron Faught


1. Radiohead - Kid A

What can I say about Radiohead that hasn't already been said by a million other salivating music critics? Plenty, actually. Sure, Thom Yorke is a mad genius but Johnny Greenwood is one of the most inventive guitarists around today. Plus, the bands' desire not to make any music videos for this album made me stand up and applaud because MTV will probably feel like a loser not being invited to the Senior Kegger. Anytime MTV is punished, I somehow feel all warm inside.

2. Eels - Daisies of the Galaxy

Listening to the Eels first album was similar to watching a best friend drinking himself to death. Their second effort was like watching him die and listening to his eulogy. Their latest release find his friends' relatives struggling to get on with their lives. Yes, that means that there are moments in this album that are actually cheerful. Just moments though.

3. Queens of the Stone Age - Rated R

This is stoner rock for people who only dream about getting stoned. Actual stoners tell me they like it just as well.

4. 12 Rods - Separation Anxieties

Many of the critics who enjoyed 12 Rods first album "Split Personalities" didn't care much for "Separation Anxieties" mainly because the lyrics on the new release were a lot more personal and Todd Rundgren's production made the band sound like.....well, Todd Rundgren. As you can probably tell, I didn't mind at all.

5. Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica

Their major label debut caused some fans to cry "sell-out". I don't think they did. Rather, I believe they did that one thing which is so nasty and wrong in modern music. They matured.

At The Drive In - The Relationship Of Command
Coldplay - Parachutes
U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind
Rollins Band - Get Some Go Again
Billy Bragg and Wilco - Mermaid Avenue Volume 2

The Dandy Warhols - Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia

After the great "Dandy Warhols Come Down", I was expecting big things from these guys. Unfortunately, what I got was a half-hearted follow up. Maybe they partied too hard during the past few years or just were intentionally trying to put me to sleep. Either way, I'm truly bummed at the result.

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