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Holyland, The Photographs

In 1999, Julie Wiskirchen, Mary Ladd and a writers group they belonged in took a field trip up to Hartford, Connecticut, to see Mark Twain's home. On the way, they took a pit stop in Waterbury, Connecticut, to visit an abandoned religious park called Holyland, USA, the creation of one inspired indivudual and once the destination for thousands of family excursions.

Months later, Julie and Mary, described the experience of visiting Holyland for the zine Hermenaut. You can view this article online at Hermenaut's web site. What follows are the long, lost pictures from a trip Mary, Julie and their bodyguard/friend Mark Alexander took to Holyland later that year.

Take the Tour with commentary, or click on the thumbnails below to see larger versions of the pictures.

photographs by M. Ladd

Have you been to Holyland USA? Tell us about your trip.



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