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Haiku Memoir of a Cardinal Fan

By Julie Wiskirchen

As the Cardinals reach the World Series for the first time in 17 years, a lifelong Cardinal fan pays tribute to the team's past and present in the form of haiku.

Mom said, "That red-haired
Tommy Herr is cute, but he's
no Keith Hernandez."

Beer cities collide,
'82 World Series. Bud
proves to be the King.



Whitey Herzog was
consistent - found a haircut
he liked, stuck with it


Splitter whizzes by
I wonder if creatures live
in Bruce Sutter's beard


Hot-headed Joaquin
Andujar - the first Spanish
name I could pronounce


Ozzie should have stuck
to backflips, stayed out of the
temp agency biz


A-student tickets:
free, sure, but upper deck view?
Players are red dots.



Jack Buck gives play by
play smoothly, ignores Shannon's
Busch-fueld diatribes

At Johnny Londoff
Chevrolet, I got Willie
McGee's autograph

I-70 World
Series: my crush on George Brett
divides loyalty


As a young softball
catcher, my role model was
tough Darrell Porter

I wanted to wear
sports goggles like Darrell, but
my vision was fine


Most girls liked Andy
Van Slyke; I preferred uni-
browed slugger Jack Clark

Jack Clark's harley crash:
the slugger wore no helmet,
still all brawn, no brains


George Hendrick flipped off
fans. He and his jerri curl
were much criticized


Rain delay at Busch:
fans don brockabrellas; Vince
Coleman maimed by tarp


Torre comes and goes
Coach didn't wow us, but went
on to Yankee fame

La Russa brings brains,
Big Mac, but fans mistrust him.
He's thin, won't live here.


Ball soars toward upper
deck, nearly launched into space
by Mark McGwire

Cards nowhere near the
playoffs, yet fans come to watch
Big Mac take BP

McGwire's home run
record caps a magical
summer in the Lou


J. D. Drew never
lived up to promise; hangnail
made him miss ten games


Dawn breaks on a new
Cardinal golden era
Pujols hath arrived


Recipe for wins
Add Walker to strong lineup
Simmer 'til playoffs


Edmonds' homers, clutch
plays, diving catches, hair gel
make him fan favorite


Astros keep coming
back, stress gives me more gray hair
Rolen's homer soothes

So-so pitching mixed
with blitzkrieg offense, heart. That's
a pennant winner!

The official Cardinals website

Have feelings about Gary Gaetti or Tito Landrum that you would like to share? Add your own Cardinal haiku here.



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