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Music That Got My Mojo Workin' In '

by Daron Faught

In my opinion, 1997 was a relatively slow and boring year for music. People are tired of alternative music but they evidently don't really care for the supposed replacement of "Techno" either judging by recent record sales.

Here are my choices for the Top 5 CDs of 1997.

5. "Blur" - Blur

This was a difficult record to listen to for the first time because the lads were being so damn American. A two-minute run-through called "Song 2"? A blurt of energy like "Chinese Bombs"? I was expecting another VEDDY BRIDDISH album like "Parklife." This one was decent enough but next time I'd like more Shepherd's Pie and less Cheeseburger.

4. "In It For The Money" - Supergrass

In 1995 these guys proved that they could play fast and loud. This year they added some melody into the mix. "Richard II" and "Cheapskate" are so hummable you'll never put this one down!

3. "Blue Sky On Mars" - Matthew Sweet

This time around Matthew dumped his long time backing bank and played almost everything himself. The result is something akin to a sludgy sounding Beach Boys album. Something for everyone here! "Come to California" rocks like Sweet has never rocked in his life!

2. "The Colour And The Shape" - Foo Fighters

Dave Grohl does the exact opposite of Matthew Sweet and actually forms a band this time! Better songwriting plus better production make this a great CD. "Everlong" and "My Poor Brain" are just examples of this soon-to-be-classic album!

1. "OK Computer" - Radiohead

One of the best albums of the 1990's, period. The feeling of a world being taken over by machinery has never felt so darn creepy but yet cool at the same time. They throw together bits and pieces of different styles and somehow it all gels! Thom Yorke has one of the best voices in rock music right now and this album is a testament to that. Go out and buy this IMMEDIATELY!!!

Honorable Mention:

"Be Here Now" - Oasis
"Pop" - U2
"Fat of the Land" - Prodigy

That's all for this year. Originality just didn't seem to be an option for the million of ska-wannabes and Alanis clones of 1997. Let's hope to have a better 1998!

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