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Who Threw These Away?

by Daron Faught

These are just of few of the hidden gems I encountered in my recent bargain music hunting journeys. If you pick any of these up, enjoy!

5. POND - "Pond"(1993)

I always thought of Pond as the Posies goofier, louder cousin. Their debut release is still the best way to experience their brand of skewered pop-punk.

4. GRAHAM COXON - "The Sky Is Too High"(1998)

Who would've thought that the guitarist from Blur would put out an album as heavy and distorted as this one? Well, of you listened to Blur's 1997 self-titled release there were hints all over about the possibilities of Mr. Coxon's axe-wielding prowess. All I can say is: be prepared!

3. POSTER CHILDREN - "New World Record"(1999)

This band has been around for over 10 years and their sound has evolved from mildly interesting grunge to very appealing post punk-pop. On this record, they put a warped spin on early new wave sounds with energy and wit.


2. THE SHEILA DIVINE - "New Parade"(1999)

Yet another clever band from the Boston area. This is very honest and revealing hard rock that would have fit nicely into the College Radio if it had came out in 1987.

1. GAUNT - "Bricks And Blackouts"(1998)

This album grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go until I heard it in its entirety. Modern day punk, 1980s alternative and 1970s classic rock blend together to form one of the freshest sounds I've heard in quite sometime!

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