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Dear Rham,

I cried when I read your letter. House pet obesity is a growing problem, yet it's seldom discussed. I'm excited to work with you. First, Rham-Beaux, you need to stop blaming others. That "I'm just a dog, I can't control my eating" excuse--if I had a nickel for every time I'd heard that one, I'd be rich. You need to take control of your eating. When your owner peels that bacon off her filet mignon and puts it in your dish, you just have to look the other way. I'm not saying it won't be hard, but with the courage it took to write to me, I know you can meet my challenge.

Eat slowly, stop when you're full, and push that plate away. Licking the plate must become a thing of the past. And you know I'll be there with you every step of the way. I'll be calling to check up on you. I'm enclosing some Deal-a-Meal cards and a copy of the new video that your letter inspired me to create: "Sweating to Music that Only Dogs can Hear."



Eight Months Later

Thanks, Richard!!


Read more fat pets stories.


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