The Mad-As-Hell-Lib: Create Your Own Hatemail from a Crazed Michael Jackson Fan

Upset that we don't love Michael Jackon as fervently as you do?
Want to send us hate mail but you're so angry you can't see straight to type?

Fill in this handy form, and then press the button to automatically generate your own mad-as-hell-lib-style response.
When you're finished, be sure to copy the text into an email and post it in the comments section below or send it to us at
Need help remembering the parts of speech? Go here for a grammar lesson.

Negative Adjective (ie, ugly):
Insulting Name for a Person (ie, dipwad):
Action Verb (ie, run):
Body Part:
Sexy Verb, past tense (ie, sucked):
Wacky Celebrity (other than Michael):
Negative Adjective:
Negative Adjective:
Body Part:
Violent Verb (ie, kick):
Insulting Name for a Person:
Pop Star (other than Michael):
Violent Action Verb, past tense:

Paste your hatemail here. We can't wait to read it!

Check out Ape Culture's quizzes
Read our Michael Jackson articles that inspired this collection of hatemail and this mad-as-hell-lib

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